Immanuel City Groups


Immanuel City Groups are “families” that gather throughout Chicago each week to pray for and encourage each other. Each group has its own personality and focus, but all seek to provide a space for you to be known, connected and encouraged.

Most groups pray Evening Prayer together. Evening Prayer is one part of the daily rhythm of prayer in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer. It includes prayers and Scripture readings, and it can serve as a calming transition from the busy rhythms of work or school into a more restful, reflective last chapter of the day. 

ARISE City Groups

ARISE Groups will meet from the weeks of October 20-Nov 24. 

Schwaningers: Wednesdays at 7pm (Lincoln Park)

Elliotts: Sundays at 12:15pm (Uptown)

Sanghas: Sundays at 4pm (Uptown- geared toward families)

Sign ups are now open! Sign up on IO here.

Fall 2024 Groups

To inquire about full groups, contact Kyle and Tricia using link at bottom of this page.


Leaders: Mark & Joy Mayo

Date & Time: Mondays at 7 PM

The purpose of our City Group is to build community in which people are known, loved, and supported in their journey with Jesus. 


Women’s Group

Leaders: Emily March & Emilie Jackson

Date & Time: Tuesdays at 7 PM

Our evening involves fellowship & evening prayer from the BCP, meditation and discussion of the psalm of the day from the daily office, sharing prayer requests, and occasional social gatherings & potlucks. Nursing babies under 12mo welcome.


Leaders: Jess & Nate Wood

Date & Time: Wednesdays at 5 PM

We hope for our group to be accessible and welcoming to all, including families with young children. We get the early bedtime lifeOur priority is to grow in community and caring for one another well. We plan to eat dinner together during the first hour, then spend time praying a shortened Evening Prayer and sharing thoughts, stories, and questions together. Feel free to come and go as your schedule allows! Children welcome. 


Leaders: Jessica & Jantzen Loza

Date & Time: Wednesdays at 7 PM

Our group is a space for people to grow together in faith through the reading of Scripture, sharing prayer requests, and praying as a group. We hope for our home to be a place to cultivate friendship and connect with others outside of Sundays. As a family that is relatively new to the Anglican tradition, we look forward to growing in these practices together! Children welcome. 


Leaders: Mindy & Bill Meier

Date & Time: Wednesdays at 7 PM

The main purpose of our group is to build community, a place to know and be known. We begin with snacks and a brief Bible study focused on applying the past Sunday’s sermon. We share prayer requests and pray for one another, then close the night with Compline from the Book of Common Prayer. We meet 3 of 4 Wednesdays per month, one of which is a potluck. 


Leaders: Megan & Drew Friesen

Date & Time: Thursdays at 7 PM

Our group focuses on building community with great food, discussion on the weekly sermon, prayer, and Compline.


Leaders: Megan & Luke Whitaker

Date & Time: Thursdays at 7 PM

Our central focus is connecting with God and each other via Evening Prayer and other spiritual formation practices. We incorporate community building via food, tea, and informally hanging out at the beginning of group. We pause midway through Evening Prayer for an additional spiritual practice (such as Lectio Divina) and/or a discussion prompt focusing on one’s own relationship with God or growing in relationship with one another. Our vision is for us to tangibly experience what is meant by having a new family in the family of God, and to live our lives accordingly together. 


Leaders: Jake & Micaela McDonald

Date & Time: Thursdays at 7:30 PM

We hope to build a small community of people to share prayer requests and prasies with each week. We plan to spend time in Evening Prayer with focused discussion around Scripture passages correlating to Sunday morning liturgy. Snacks will be enjoyed at most gatherings. Children welcome.


Leaders: Tricia & Kyle Fiechter and Caroline & Alex Cool

Date & Time: Sundays at 3:30 PM

Welcome! This group is hosted by the Cools at their home in Lawndale. We will meet once a month on Sundays, share a potluck meal together, enjoy time in the Book of Common Prayer, sing, and pray for one another. This group is open to anyone who has kids or likes kids! 😀  Children welcome. 


Leaders: Sharon & David Whited

Date & Time: Sundays at 6:30 PM

We meet weekly for fellowship and Compline. We seek to share one another’s burdens and encourage one another towards the Kingdom work the Lord has called each of us to. We welcome those currently following and those that are curious about following Jesus. 

Kyle & Tricia Fiechter

City Group Ministry Leadership 

Kyle and Tricia lead the City Group ministry at Immanuel. If you have questions about groups, please reach out to them!