Share & Care
And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. – Acts 2
Benevolence Fund

Immanuel Anglican Church seeks to empower her members to show their compassion and care for one another when one part of our body is in need. This means using her finances to help people with short-term financial challenges. We have a benevolence fund that is used to help with primary needs (such as food, shelter, clothing, transportation and medical care, including psychiatric counseling) for members and regular attenders of our church, when certain criteria are met.
If you or someone you know has financial need, please feel welcome to send an email to benevolence@immanuelanglican.org. All requests sent to this email address will be sent to the current members of the Benevolence Team, and member of this team will reach out within 3 business days to learn more about how the church might be able to offer support.
Current Benevolence Team Members: Rick Mills, Jessica Loza, Alex Schwaninger
Immanuel ListServ
Our ListServ helps Immanuel’s members and attenders find new ways to connect in fellowship together and to meet each other’s needs in practical ways.
WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? Any member or regular attender of Immanuel Anglican.
- “Come to this event with me!” Share events in the city you are planning to attend or inviting the church to your personal event.
- “Do you need this?” Give away quality items you don’t need that someone else might want (no sales) or share job openings (only if at a company you work for) or small-scale work opportunities (that you yourself are hiring for).
- “I’m looking for…” Request an item to borrow, a roommate, recommendations for a service you need or help with a household project.

For categories below, you are welcome to contact people that you know personally. However, these are outside the scope of the ListServ’s purpose. If your message involves a prayer request, please send to care@immanuelanglican.org.
- Needs or requests from people outside of Immanuel’s community.
- Advertisements or promotions for your business, product or fundraiser.
- Political posts or events.
- Your need for a job or apartment.
- Anything else not listed in the section above.
HOW TO POST: Send an email with your message to listserv@immanuelanglican.org. If your message meets the guidelines listed above, we will share to the ListServ page within 3 business days.
Request Meals

One of the ways we are privileged to care for each other in times of hardship is through the gift of food. A delicious meal not only provides sustenance for the body and joy to the soul, it is also a tangible expression of love when the necessary task of preparing food seems overwhelming.
If you know of someone in our church who is approaching a life-changing event and could benefit from the support of an organized meal schedule, would you consider nominating them for a meal train? Some examples of such an event include: the birth of a baby, a surgery or extended illness, or the death of a family member. To nominate someone for a meal train, or to request one for yourself, please email care@immanuelanglican.org.

Additional Resource: FindHelp.org
We recommend this site if you are looking for food assistance, help paying bills, and other free or reduced cost programs. You can search for help based on your zip code.